
Showing posts with label PARTITION DEED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARTITION DEED. Show all posts

Saturday 5 October 2019



THIS DEED OF PARTITION made at __________this _________ day of

(1)   Sri._________________,S/o._____________,Age______years,

Occupation__________, Residing at__________________________. hereinafter referred to as the Party of the First Part.

(2)   Sri._________________,S/o._____________,Age______years,

Occupation__________, Residing at__________________________. hereinafter referred to as the Party of the Second Part.

(3)   Sri._________________,S/o._____________,Age______years,

Occupation__________, Residing at__________________________. hereinafter referred to as the Party of the Third Part.

(4)   ……………………..Etc.


1        (a) The parties hereto are the members and coparceners of their joint and undivided Hindu Family and as such own immovable properties consisting of land and building thereon and situate at ________________and more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereunder written and each of the parties hereto is entitled to share in the Schedule "A" property.

(b)   Parties to this partition have thrown their properties described in Schedule "A" in the common hatch pot and declared themselves as these properties are belongs to Joint Family property.

2.  The parties desire to effect a partition of the said properties between themselves as they no longer desire to continue as members and coparceners of their joint family property and desire to be separate in food, worship and estate.

3.  The parties have agreed that the said Schedule "A" properties will be divided and partitioned in such a way that namely;

(a)   The property described in the said First Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the First Part exclusively,

(b)  The property described in the said Second Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the Second Part exclusively and,

(c)   The property described in the said Third Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the Third Part exclusively.

4.  The parties hereto have proposed to effect and record the said partition in the manner following:


1.  The parties have agreed that the said Schedule "A" properties will be divided and partitioned in such a way that namely;

(a)   The property described in the said First Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the First Part exclusively,

(b)  The property described in the said Second Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the Second Part exclusively and,

(c)   The property described in the said Third Schedule shall be allotted and belongs to the Party of the Third Part exclusively.

2.  In consideration aforesaid, each of the parties hereto grant and release all his/her undivided share, right, title and interest in the property allotted to the other of them as aforesaid so as to constitute each party the sole and absolute owner of the property allotted to him/her freed and discharged from all rights, title, interest claims and demands of the other party hereto or concerning the same but subject to the payment of all taxes, rates, dues and duties and assessment payable to Government or Municipal Corporation or any other public body in respect thereof.

3.  Each party covenants with the other that he/she has not done any act deed or thing whereby or by means whereof he/she is prevented from conveying and releasing the property to the other in the manner aforesaid.

4.  Each party also covenants with the other that each party will execute and get registered, if necessary any deed, assurance or other document which may be required for fuller and more perfectly and effectually assuring the property, allotted to the other but at the cost and expenses of the other.

5.  Each party hereto further covenants with the other that the latter will hereafter hold and stand possessed of the property allotted to him/her quietly and peacefully and enjoy the rents and profits thereof without any suit, interruption, claim or demand by the covenanting party, his/her heirs, executors administrators and assigns or any person claiming under him/her.

6.  The original of the deed of partition will remain in the custody of the Party of the First Part and the duplicate copy hereof will remain in the custody of the Party of the Other Part.

7.  And  it  is  further  agreed  and  declared  that  the  title  deeds  relating  to  the properties and which are common to both of them and which are set out in the

____________Schedule hereunder written shall remain with the Party of the First Part who has agreed to give a covenant for production in favour of the Party of the ___________Part.


(Details of Undivided properties belongs to Joint Family)

Description of the Property
Property standing in the

name of




4 etc.


(Property allotted to the share of Sri.__________________________ First part)


(Property allotted to the share of Sri.__________________________Second part)


(Property allotted to the share of Sri._________________________Third part)



Monday 15 August 2016


THIS DOCUMENT OF ARRANGEMENT of properties belonging to the family and its members by mutual and free consent of various members of the family made on (date) day of (month and Year) BETWEEN Shri, A, aged about 58 years, karta of the Hindu undivided family, Mrs. B, aged about 48 years, wife of the above Karta and a member of the said Hindu undivided family, Kumari ‘C’ aged about 32 years and Kumari ‘D’ aged about 34 years, both daughters of the Karta and members of the said Hindu undivided family and Shri ‘E’ aged about 32 years, son of the Karta and a member of the said Hindu undivided family.
WHEREAS the above five persons constitute a joint family governed by Hindu Law owning various movable and immovable properties more particularly described in S.No. 1 to………………. Of Schedule A, 1 to……………….of Schedule ‘B’ and 1 to ……………….. of Schedule ‘C’ and 1 to ………………. Schedule ‘D’ attached hereto.
AND WHEREAS in view of the internal family quarrels amongst the family members, the members are not able to continue their joint enjoyment of the properties belonging to the family and therefore all the members have voluntarily and of their free will agreed to put an end to such a situation and have also agreed to certain stipulations hereinafter appearing:
1. The properties listed as in S.No. 1 to ______________ of Schedule A hereto shall go to the share of Miss. ‘C’
2. The properties listed as in S. No. 1 to ___________ of Schedule ‘B’ hereto shall go to the share of Miss. ‘D’.
3. The properties listed as in S. No. 1 to______________ of Schedule “C’ hereto shall go to the share of Mr. ‘E’
4. That the properties listed in S.No. 1 to ______________ of Schedule ‘D’ shall continue to jointly vest in the ownership of the family whose income shall be enjoyed jointly by all the members of the family.
5. That each of the above parties shall be entitled to the arrears of any rent or other incomes and shall be liable for any cesses and taxes upon properties which have gone to his/her share from the date of this arrangement and otherwise shall be entitled to deal with the properties as an absolute owner thereof.
6. That each of the party shall enjoy, sell, transfer, convey or otherwise use or put to use the said properties going to his or her share.
7. That each of the parties hereby agree that he has no right, title, interest or any other claims whatsoever on the properties allotted to any of the other members.