
Monday 10 February 2014



                         This DEED OF PARTNERSHIP made on this …………….. day of ………………, BETWEEN:

1.   Shri …………………., Date of Birth:…………….,Occu: Business, R/o: …………., state herein after called party of the I part and Partner No1           
2.   Shri ……………………., Date of Birth:…………….., Occu: Business, R/o: ………………………., state herein after called party of the II part and Partner No2    
          WHEREAS, the parties hereto have decided to carry on the business of partnership in RATAIL SECTOR under the name and style of …………………………..
          WHEREAS, the parties are desirous of reducing to writing the terms and conditions of their partnership Agreement as mentioned below:

1.   The business of the Firm shall be to deal in retail sector and to do such other business as the partners may mutually agree. 

2.   The partnership shall commence with effect from today, the ………….. day of ………………………… 

3.   The business of the Firm shall be carried on under the name and style of ……………………………………...
4.   Duration of Firm at WILL.

5.   The principal place of business of the Firm shall be rent basis and situated at ………………………. The Firm may however carry on the business at such other place or places as the partners may mutually agree from time to time.

6.   That the, capital investments of the partners wherever necessary, shall be contribute by the partners equally.  

7.   The profits and losses of the Firm shall be shared or contributed by the partners in the following proportions.
1.      Shri ......................................          01%
2.      Shri ......................................        99%
Total                                                            100%

8.    That  bar of the partners so long remain a partner of the firm carry on any other business, directly or indirectly, similar to or competitive of the business of the kind run by the firm. 

9.   That the firm shall not be closed either by death or retirement of the partner or partners but shall continue to run either with or without successor or successors of such deceased or out going partner or partners. 

10.               That the bank account shall be operated by the partner No.2 only. 

11.               That all the matters of disputes regarding the partnership business shall be decided by the arbitrators duly appointed by the partners. 

12.               That the party of the first and second parts will be the working partners and shall be responsible for carrying out the day to day functioning of the partnership firm Viz day to day management, maintaining of accounts, office, bank affairs, purchase and sale of goods, service, recovery of dues, income tax and sale tax matters etc. The partners will mutually decide about the work to be under taken by each of them.

13.               That the books of account of the firm is and shall be maintained in    language considered more convenient by the partners. And that the account of the firm shall close 31st march of every year.

14.               That the books of accounts are and shall be kept at the principle place of business of the firm and partners shall have the access on that by right.

15.               That no new partner or partners shall be admitted to the business of the firm without the mutual consent of the all the partners.

16.               That the firm shall not be closed either by death or retirement of the partner or partners but shall continue to run either with or without successor or successors of such deceased or out going partner or partners.
17.               Both the partners shall be just and faithful to each other. 

18.               Any dispute which may arise between the partners shall be referred to Arbitration according to the provisions of Arbitration Law then in force and the decision of the Arbitrator shall have binding on all partners of the Firm. 

19.               The relationship of the partners shall be governed by provisions of India Partnership Act of 1932 or any the subsisting modification there of shall apply.

IN WITNESS THEREOF we all the partners hereto have signed this deed at their free will and consent on today of ..................


Witnesses:                              1 Shri .............................       
            Partner No.1

2 Shri ...........................
            Partner No.2


                     FORMS register

      FROM NO.1
Application of Registration
Of Firm by the Name: 

Presented or forwarded to the
Registrar of Firms for filing by  
            We, the undersigned being the partners of the firm hereby apply for Registration of the said firm and for that purpose supply the following particulars, in pursuance of section 58 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
The Firm Name:        
Place of Business:
(a) Principal Place:
(b) Other Places     Nil
Name of the partners in full     Date of joining the firm             Permanent Address in full






Duration of the firm:  At Will




Station :  .                                            Signature of Partners.

Shri                                                    Son of                         ,             Years of age do hereby declare that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and also declare that upto the date of submission of this application there has not been any change whatever in any of the particulars stated above.

Witnesses                                                                              Signature.   

                            Advocate/Chartered Accountant.
Shri                                                Son of                         ,             Years of age do hereby declare that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and also declare that upto the date of submission of this application there has not been any change whatever in any of the particulars stated above.

Witnesses                                                                              Signature.  

                            Advocate/Chartered Accountant.
Shri                                                Son of                         ,             Years of age do hereby declare that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and also declare that upto the date of submission of this application there has not been any change whatever in any of the particulars stated above.

Witnesses                                                                              Signature.  

                            Advocate/Chartered Accountant.
Shri                                                Son of                         ,             Years of age do hereby declare that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and also declare that upto the date of submission of this application there has not been any change whatever in any of the particulars stated above.

Witnesses                                                                              Signature.  

                            Advocate/Chartered Accountant.
Shri                                                Son of                         ,             Years of age do hereby declare that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and also declare that upto the date of submission of this application there has not been any change whatever in any of the particulars stated above.

Witnesses                                                                              Signature.  

                            Advocate/Chartered Accountant.


  1. Does partnership deed contents are same in every country and business???

  2. Thanks for the format. Partnership Deed is an agreement between partners of a company which sets out the terms and conditions of the partnership

  3. Partnership deed is mandatory to start a business together, it has several benefits.Visit Vakilsearch site to know about Partnership Deed Format

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for sharing this informative blog. To register, click here: Partnership firm registration online

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