
Monday 10 February 2014


                                LICENSE AGREEMENT
Agreement made at ..................... this ................ day of .........................between .............................. herein after referred to as “the Licensor” of theone part and .................................... herein after referred to as “the Licensee” of the other part, as follows:


1. The Licensor is the owner of the open well in the ............... of ......................
here in under herein after called as “open well”.

2. The Licensee is approached the Licensor with request to allow the Licensee to permanently to occupy and use of the open well for carrying for their over flow water (Excess water) on license basis until the Licensee getsother more suitable accommodation.

3. The Licensor has agreed to grant license to the Licensee to occupy and use the said open well on the following terms and conditions agreed to between the parties hereto.


The Licensor hereby grants license to the Licensee to occupy and use the
open well for a period of ______________ month from _________. The Licensee agrees to vacate the said open well even earlier if the Licensee secures any other arrangements.

5. Licensee will be allowed to use the licensed open well

6. The licensed open well will be used only for carrying on over flow water (Excess water) and for no other illegal, immoral purpose.

7. Licensed scheduled property has normal electricity fittings and fixtures. If the Licensee desires to have any additional fittings and fixtures, the Licensee may do so at his cost and in compliance with the rules. The
Licensee shall remove such fittings and fixtures on the termination of the license .

8. The licensed scheduled property is given to the Licensee on personal basisAnd the Licensee will not be entitled to transfer the benefit of this Agreement to any body else or will not be entitled to allow any body else
Occupy the scheduled property or any part thereof. Nothing in thisAgreement shall be deemed to grant a lease or tenancy and the Licensee Agrees and undertakes that no such contention shall be taken up by the
Licensee at any time.

9. The Licensee shall not be deemed to be in the exclusive occupation of the Licensed open well and the Licensor will also have the right to use Open well.

10. The Licensee shall maintain the licensed scheduled property in good Condition and will not cause any damage thereto. If any damage is causes tothe scheduled property or any party thereof by the Licensee or hisEmployees, servants or agents, the same will be made good by the Licenseeat the cost of the Licensee either by rectifying the damage or by payingcash compensation as may be determined by the Licensor’s Architect.

11. The Licensee shall not carry out any work of structural repairs or additionsor alterations to the said open well. Only such alterations orAdditions or not of structural type or of permanent nature may be allowed to
be made by the Licensee inside the open well with the previousPermission of the Licensor.

12.Licensee shall not cause any nuisance or annoyance to the people in theneighbourhood or store any hazardous goods in the open well.

13.If the Licensee commits a breach of any term of this agreement thenNotwithstanding anything herein contained the Licensor will be entitled toTerminate this agreement by _____________ days prior notice to theLicensee.

14. On the expiration of the said term or period the license or earlierTermination thereof, the Licensee shall hand over vacant and peaceful Possession of the licensed scheduled property to the Licensor in the same
Condition in which the scheduled property now exists subject to normal Wear and tear. The Licensee’s occupation of the scheduled property after Such termination will be deemed to be that of a trespasser.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties herein have affixed their respective

Signatures to this deed at _______________ on this ______________ day of ______________ year in presence of the witness:


1.                                                                                                               LICENSOR

2.                                                                                                               LICENSEE

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