
Friday 14 February 2014

Memorandum of Rules and Regulation of the Association.



                               EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association        



The Organization formed under these Aims and Objects and Rules shall be known as the EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association and it is hereinafter referred to as the Association and Association. The registered office of the association shall presently be at ................................. of Karnataka.


The EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association Association has been formed for services of the EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel, their dependants and families of serving Soldiers. 

3. Main Aims and Objects of the Association Are:

a) To solve the problems of the EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel, Their widow and their families and wives and families of serving soldiers.

b) To ensure that the benefits and sanctioned from time to time the Central and State Governments are actually passed on to the EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel, their widows and families.

c) To ensure that additional benefits and facilities that are necessary for the improvement of the EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel, their window and families are got sanctioned from the Central and state Governments and passed onto them.

4. The Association will strive to achieve the following in addition

a) To inculcate among EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel the feeling that their religion is “HUMANISM” and their caste is “SAINIK”

b) To assist EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and their dependents in matters relating to pensions, allowances, grants, war gratuities, resettlement and rehabilitation in close co-operation with the Government of India, Governments of Organizations and other official and non-official Agencies and Organizations and render financial and assistance o them when out of work distressed circumstances) To inculcate among  EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel the spirit of self –help and towards that end to establish, maintain and run hostels, school, colleges, laboratories, maintain and run hostels, any other institutions for the diffusion of science and literature and useful knowledge which would help EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and their dependents towards resettlement or employment.

d) To hold periodic conferences, seminars, lectures and exhibitions etc. on matters of common to EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women.

e) To establish and run any Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Journals, Books and other work for the benefit of EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women and their dependents.

f) To establish maintain and run sanatoria, homes for the aged and destitute EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women and their dependents.

g) To establish, organize, main and run Co-operative Societies, Clubs, Laboratories, Reading Rooms, Recreational Grounds and other such facilities for the benefit of EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women and their dependents.

h) To perpetuate the memory of those who laid down their lives in the service of their country and to safe-guard the interest of the windows and children of such persons.

i) To educate public opinion to the view that the maintenance of disabled EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women and their welfare and that families is a National Duty.

j) To educate to obtain public support and recognition for the principle that EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women should receive fair treatment in all matters relating to the finding or provisioning of employment.

k) To assist Government authorizes in recruitment and other matters in the event of those on field services, and to assist serving personnel on those on field services, and to assist serving personnel on their rerun to civil life.

l) To foster the spirit of self-sacrifice, good-will co-operation and comradeship of all EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and women, irrespective of erstwhile rank, race, nationality, castor and to provide for a policy of reciprocity between ex-servicemen and women of country and other countries.

m) To support the United Nations Organization and all other policies which serve the cause of world peace base on justice, freedom, secularism and democracy and to support the country in the time of National Emergency in every possible way.

n) To combine and / or affiliate or co-operate with, take over, amalgamate with or absorb any other institution/ organization or Association having objects similar to those of the Association.

o) The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Aims Objects of the Association.

Name address of the persons who have subscribed their signatures to the memorandum of the Association.

Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association  




Vice President



























Place:  .

Date:     -06-2013                                                                  President

EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association,


EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association

Memorandum of Rules and Regulation of the Association.

1) Name of the Association :  “EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel
2) Head Quarter                    : The Head Quarter of the Association shall be in...........
3) Counting Year                   :  The official year of the Association for the purpose of
accounts will be commence from 1st April
31st March  of succeeding year.
4) Membership         :
a)      Members:  Who pay annual subscription Rs. 100/-
b)      Co-opted members : The managing committee may nominate members who in it opinion are helpful and useful in furtherance of the cause of the Association to serve on the Managing Committee and such members shall be called co-opted members and they are not obliged to pay any subscription fee etc., 

5)         Eligibility: The membership of the Association will be open to EX-Servicesmen and Ex-central Police Personnel and their dependents who has completed 18 years of age and who is not unsound mind, irrespective of Caste, Religion or Creed, Race or Sex are eligible to be member of the Association provided that they are admitted as members of the Association on their application in writing. Admission of any person as members shall be within the discretion of the Governing Body of the Association. In case of refusal to enroll a person as member in spite of eligibility such person must be given an endorsement in writing upon which he may prefer an appeal within 60 days to the Registrar of societies of the District whose decision shall be final. 

6)         Resignation from Membership:
            Any member desirous of resigning from the Institution shall give notice writing to this effect at least once week before the does of the official quarter and shall pay all arrears of subscription. The resignation shall operate from commencement of the next quarter. 

7)         Expulsion:
`a)        A member accused or suspected of misconduct or conduct subversive of the objects of the Institution or detrimental to its interests or repute shall be given by the Managing Committee an opportunity to explain his conduct and if after an enquiry by the Managing Committee he is found guilty, then upon a resolution being so passed by the General Body, he shall be removed from the membership Register. 

b)         A member may be expelled from the Association for non paying of the membership fees, fines or any arrears and any fees, fines, donations paid by him are nonrefundable for his expulsion or resignation.    

8)         The Governing Body of the Association:
 a)        The Management of the Association shall vest in the Governing Body consisting of Fifteen (14) members elected once in Three (3) years in the annual general body meeting.
b)         The members shall elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer and remaining directors.
c)         The Governing Body shall meet at least once in three month to manage the affairs of the Association. The meeting shall be called with a prior notice, in writing of seven days. The Secretary in consultation with the President shall conveyance the meeting and prepares the agenda. The quorum for the meeting shall be Five. If there no quorum, the meeting may be adjourned by on hour or to some other date. When the meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, the adjourned meeting need not have quorum. All subjects shall be decided by majority vote of members. In case of equal number of votes on any subject the President shall have a costing vote. 

9)         Powers and Function of the Governing Body:
a)         The entire management of the Association shall vest in the Governing Body.
b)         The Governing Body shall be entitled to receive all kinds of gifts and donations for the Association and such property shall become the property of the Association. The Council shall be entitled to acquire any property out of its funds for the Association, as well receive property as donation or gift to the Association from any person.
c)         The Governing Body shall appoint employees as may be required for the purpose and shall also be the Disciplinary authority for such staff and auditor. 
d)         The Governing Body shall be the authority to deal with all matters touching the staff members and their service conditions and adoption of new members.
e)         The Governing Body shall be the authority to take cognizance of any misconduct or indiscipline or of the activities detrimental to the interest of the Association and its institutions on the part of the members of the Association and to take suitable steps and action including suspension and removal of such member or members subject to ratification by the General Body.
f)          The Governing Body shall meet at least once in three months and at such intervals as may be necessary.
g)         It shall not be permissible for the Governing Body to amend or alter the objects of the Association or to amalgamate or transfer the Association and its property or to create a trust to hand over or to entrust property of the Association and its institutions except under a resolution of the General Body of the Association.
h)         The Governing Body shall be the Supreme Authority and shall be vested with all powers.
10)      General Meeting:
            The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within 3 Months of the official year of the Association.
            The following business will be transacted at such General Meetings :
a)   Adoption of minutes of the proceedings of the previous meeting.
b)   Adoption of the Report of the Management for the preceding year.
c)   Consideration and adoption of the Statement of the audited accounts for the preceding years.
d)   The election of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer Members of the Governing Body and Hon. Auditor, if due as per rules 22 and 51.
e)   Any other business specified in the agenda of the Meeting of which notice has been received from any members not later than 7 days before the date of the Meeting. 
11)      Advisory Committee:
            The Governing Body shall be empowered to constitute an advisory committee consisting of learned persons capable of guiding the Body to develop all faculties of Education it has started by nominating such persons for the committee. The Governing Body shall also be entitled to incur necessary expenditure on such committee.

12)      Powers and functions of the Office bearers:
a)         President: The president shall preside over all the meeting of the Governing Body and the Annual General Body meeting. Whenever a meeting is to be convened the Secretary shall consult the president as to the date and agenda and other matters related thereto.
b)         Vice President: The Vice-President shall preside over all meeting in the absence of the president and shall also discharge duties of the president during his absence.
c)         Secretary:
i)       The Secretary is the Executive head of the Association. He shall convene meetings of the Governing Body and the General body. He shall maintain all records and record the minutes of all meetings.
ii)      The secretary shall be in charge of all the institutions of the Association and shall exercise control over the Management and administration of such institutions. In other words he will be the chief Executive, responsible for the smooth administration of all the institutions run by the Association.
iii)     The secretary shall be the sole custodian of all the records and properties of the Association movable and immovable.
iv)          The secretary shall have powers to sanction all bills of expenditure authorized and approved by the governing council and shall have control over the finance of the Association. He shall also be the counter signing authority and shall be entitled and empowered to sign all cheques, Bills etc., including the salary bills of the staff.
v)            The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of all kinds of statements and accounts required to be sent to the education Authorities and other Authorities besides being empowered to send necessary proposals to the Department of Education and make necessary correspondence on behalf of the Association. He shall also be responsible to get the accounts of the Association audited every year regularly.
vi)          The Secretary shall prepare Budget for the seceding year and take approvals of the General Body in its Annual Meeting. He shall also place the Annual Report an Audited Report before the General Body for its approval.
vii)        The Secretary is authorized to correspond with the Registrar of Societies and all others in respect of the affairs of the Association.
d)                 Bank Account:  The president, Secretary and Treasurer shall jointly operate the Bank Accounts of the Association. It may be jointly by president or Secretary and Treasurer.
13)      Finance and Funds:
The Association’s funds are constituted in the following manner. :
a)                  Membership fee and Admission Fee and fine.
b)                 Donations from Individuals.
c)                  Donation, Aid and grants from statutory organizations, Institutions and Statutory Bodies, State Government, Central Government and any other source from through which the Governing Body may decide to receive.
d)                 Loans / Assistance or Grants as permissible by law.
e)                  All money shall be in the name of the Association and the secretary shall operate the same.
14)      Amendment:
            Any amendment or alterations either to the Memorandum of Rules and Regulations of the Association shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.
15)      Suit:
            The Association may sue and be sued. The Secretary shall be entitled and empowered to file suits on behalf of the Association and to defend the Association in any action against it.
16)      All that is not herein specially provided for the including the dissolution or amalgamation and other matters the provisions contained in the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960, Shall be applicable.
Name and Address of the persons who have subscribed their signature to the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
Name and address















Place :  ..                                                                    President
Date :     .                   EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association,
At: ..........................


EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association

Governing Body
Name and address















Place : .                                                                    President
Date :                            EX-Services and Ex-central Police Personnel Association,

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