
Saturday 5 October 2019


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            THIS DEED OF MORTGAGE IS EXECUTED ON ________DAY __________ BY  Shri.___________, Age:-45, years,  member of ____________________, residing at _____________ for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators hereinafter referred to as “MORTGAGER”  IN FAVOUR OF ____________________________ and its successors representatives hereinafter referred to as “BANK”.
            WHEREAS, at the request of mortgager the Bank has agreed to make advances to him as per the bye-laws agreeing upon having the repayment there of with interest thereon at the rate hereinafter mentioned, secured in the manner here in after appearing.
            NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES as follows:-
            In consideration of the Bank making or continuing to make advances for the purpose of Development of land upto a limit of Rs.__________ (Rupees forty  Thousand only) as long as the Bank office of branch exclusive of interest, bank charges, legal charges, etc., the mortgager hereby covenants with the Bank as follows:-
1.      That mortgagor shall pay the principal and the interest at the rate of  15% per annum or at such rate as may be fixed by the Bank from time to time, on a much of principal due in the manner of mutually agreed to between the mortgagor and the Bank from time to time on his behalf.
2.      That if any interest or an item of the principal is not paid on the due date the outstanding balance of loan shall bear overdue interest at 2% P.A. over and above the usual rate until the interest of the principal in arrears ads the case may be is paid.
3.      The mortgagor further covenants with the Bank that if at any time during which these presents are in force the bank finds that any representation made by the mortgagor for obtaining the loan was false the whole of the debts due and outstanding shall become payable within one week after notice to the mortgager to that effect and he shall always be bound by Bye-laws, rules and other decisions of the Bank in force from time to time.
4.      The mortgagor further covenants with the Bank that in case of default on the part of the mortgagor from payment of the same as above mentioned the Bank is hereby authorised through the mortgager’s drawing officer in accordance with section 34 of Karnataka Co-op societies Act of 1959 to have the installments as and when due deducted from salary of or any other payable to the mortgager and paid to the Bank. The mortgager execute a separate agreement to the effect if desired by the Bank.
5.      The mortgager further covenants with the Bank that the amount borrowed under this indenture shall be wholly utilised for the purpose for which it is expressly borrowed and that he/shall not deviate from the licenced plan during construction without the previous written approval of the Bank and if the Bank is satisfied that the loan is misapplied, the whole  loan due and outstanding, shall become payable without reference to the period of  repayment, within one week after to the effect.
6.      It is hereby agreed and declared that in case any of the installments of principal or interest payable under these presents be not satisfied on the due dates appointed for the payments of such installments of principal or interest, then whole amount of principal remaining unpaid together with interest due shall at once become payable to the Bank and the Bank may forthwith enforce any of the remedies to which a holder of mortgage is entitled under the Transfer of property Act.
7.      For the consideration aforesaid and in further pursuance of the said agreement, the mortgager hereby grants and transfers by way of simple mortgage in to the Bank, all the property described in the schedule here to together with all rights, easements there to and all rights, title and interest in and to the said premises to the extent that all the said premises hereby mortgaged shall remain and be charged by way of simple mortgage and free from all encumbrance as security for the payment to the Bank of the said principal money, interest and cost in accordance with the convenants herein contained.
8.      That the mortgagor shall allow the Bank, its servants, agents and surveyors at all reasonable times to enter the said premises and view and examine the estate and condition thereof.
9.      The mortgager hereby convenatns that this property under mortgage shall be a continuing security not  only in respect of this debit but also in respect of any other loan overdue, cash credit that may be outstanding or may become outstanding in respect of present or further advances, in my name either as borrower or as surety/co-obligant upto not exceeding the limit prescribed herein during the subsistence of this mortgage it is further covenanted that until all my indebtedness in any loan, overdraft, cash credit, accounts to the Bank has been discharges in full, this mortgage will be kept in force and it shall continue to be a security as aforesaid to those liabilities.
10. The mortgager further covenants that during continuance of security, he shall preserve the property here under mentioned good condition and repairs, and shall not remove any fixtures or after the property so as to decrease the value or utility there of without written permission of the bank and shall pay from time to time regularly all the taxes and cesses levied thereon and produce the receipt there of the Bank. The mortgager  to insure the property by a policy of comprehensive insurance during the term of loan and shall pay premium regularly.
11. That the mortgager agrees that some of money awarded as compensation for and compulsory acquisition of any portion of the mortgaged property by any government, Municipal or Railway or District Board authority shall be receivable by the Bank direct on behalf the mortgager and that such money as well as money received under and by virtue of any such insurance as aforesaid shall at the option of the Bank either beforth with applied in or towards substantially rebuilding, reinstanding or remaining in the said premises or towards the payments of the principal money, interest and costs for the time being remaining due the security of these presents.
12. The mortgager further covenants that in case he fails to pay the taxes or ceases and insurance premium in the time as aforesaid, the Bank may pay the same and the taxes and cesses and insurance premium service, inspection, valuation and other charges paid shall be treated as a charges against the property and be debited to his loan account.
13. And for the better  securing of the mortgager’s obligations under these presents be hereby covenants and mortgagers without possession to the Bank his self acquired or ancestral property more fully described in the schedule given here under.
14. The mortgager further covenants with the Bank that during the time the loan  mentioned above in force he will not otherwise alienate or create any other charge on the property without the permission of the Bank and that the he will personally also liable for the full debt discharge of the loans hereby secured. He further affirms the Bank that the property is not encumbered.
15. Schedule of property above referred to :
All that piece and parcel of property with the dwelling house, wells, drains and thereon, built and planted and situated and floors/our house hereinafter to be built planted together with all rights and easements pertaining it or to and hereafter and enjoyed and acquired bearing the No. etc., as detailed below:-
Situated at ______________________________ and bounded by the following boundaries.
Description               R.S. No.           Area              Assessment           
                                                              As-Gs              Rs.Ps.
   Agri. Land  

All the above R.S. numbers are situated in one place so only one boundary is shown.
To the East    :-Land of
To the west    :-Land of
To the south  :-Land of
To the North  :-Land of
16. In the witness thereof the mortgager has signed this deed on the day and the ears first above written.

In the Presence of :-

1.                                                                           Signed before me.

2.                                                                           Branch Manager,

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