
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Eligibility and Limitations for Acquiring Agricultural Land in Karnataka

Section 79-A. Acquisition of land by certain persons prohibited. 
 - (1) On and from the commencement of the the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1995, no person who or a family or a joint family which has an assured annual income of not less than 1[rupees two lakhs] from sources other than agricultural lands shall be entitled to acquire any land whether as land owner, landlord, tenant or mortgagee with possession or otherwise or partly in one capacity and partly in another.

1. Substituted for the words rupees fity thousand by Act No.31 of 1995 w.e.f. 20-10-1995.
Please Note :

1) KARNATAKA LAND REFORMS ACT 1961, (Karnataka Act No.10 of 1962) AS AMENDED BY ACT NO.1 & 31 OF 1991 - Section 79A - Interpretation by reference to entire provisions as amended by Act 1 of 1991 - Must be held Rs.50,000/- always in enactment - From 1.3.1974, no acquisition of agricultural land if Income from non-agricultural sources in excess of Rs.50,000/-.

HELD - Whenever an Amended Act has to be applied subsequent to the date of amendment, the various unamended provisions of the Act have to be read along with the amended provision as though they are part of it The amended part of the provision having got incorporated into the Act the provision of Section 79A of the Act as such should be read. Section 79A of the Act has the opening words on and from the commencement of the Amended Act. The amended Act, is defined to be Act 1 of 1974 which came into effect from 1.3.1974. From that date, no one can acquire an agricultural land if his income from sources other than agricultural lands is in excess of Rs.50,000/-... The interpretation to be placed on Section 79A of the Act is only by reference to the entire provisions of the Section as amended by Act 1 of 1991 and it must be held that the said words Rs.50,000/- as always being there in the enactment because the language of the Section permits no other construction. [Vijayakumar Sankrayya Sardar Vs State of Karnataka w.p.No. 20403 of 1991 dated 16th August 1993 : ILR 1993 KAR 2586].

2) It has been noticed that the Vijayakumar Vs State, ILR 1993 Kar. 2586, the Division Bench has held that the amendments effected by Acts 1 & 31 of 1991, substituting the words Rs.12,000-00 with the words Rs.50,000/- got incorporated into Section 79A and the amendments are effective from 1.3.1974, but not from the date of amendment Acts 1 and 31 of 1991.

Act 31/1995, has substituted the words Amendment Act with the words the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1995 and also substituted the words Fifty thousand, with the words Two lakhs. The legislature has made its intention very clear as to the prospective nature of the amendments. For this purpose the words the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Act 1995 have been substituted, for the words amendment Act, which according to Section 2A(4) means Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Act 1973. Now the amendments clearly state that the amendments should take effect from the date of commencement of Act 31/1995, which has come into force on 20-10-1995.

(2) For purposes of sub-section (1) -

(i) the aggregate income of all the members of a family or a joint family or a joint family from sources other than agricultural land shall be deemed to be income of the family or joint family, as the case may be, from such sources;
(ii) a person or a family or a joint family shall be deemed to have an assured annual income of not less than rupees two lakhs from sources other than agricultural land on any day if such person or family or joint family had an average annual income of not less than rupees two lakhs from such sources during a period of five consecutive years preceding such day.

Explanation. A person who or a family or a joint family which has been assessed to income tax under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (Central Act 43 of 1961) on an yearly total income of not less than rupees two lakhs for five consecutive years shall be deemed to have an average annual income of not less than rupees two lakhs from sources other than agricultural lands

(3) Every acquisition of land otherwise than by way of inheritance or bequest in contravention of this section shall be null and void.

(4) Where a person acquires land in contravention of sub-section (1) or acquires it by bequest or inheritance he shall, within ninety days from the date of acquisition, furnish to the Tahsildar having jurisdiction over the Taluk where the land acquired or the greater part of it is situated a declaration containing the following particulars, namely:

(i) particulars of all lands;
(ii) the average annual income of himself or the family;
(iii) such other particulars as may be prescribed.

(5) The Tahsildar shall, on receipt of the declaration under sub-section (4) and after such enquiry as may be prescribed send a statement containing the prescribed particulars relating to such land to the Deputy Commissioner who shall, by notification, declare that with effect from such date as may be specified in the notification, such land shall stand transferred to and vest in the State Government without further assurance free from all encumbrances. From the date specified in such notification the Deputy Commissioner may take possession of such land in such manner as may be prescribed.

(6) For the land vesting in the State Government under sub-section (5), where the acquisition of the land was by bequest or inheritance, an amount as specified in Section 72 shall be paid and where the acquisition was otherwise than by bequest or inheritance, no amount shall be paid.

Section 79-B. Prohibition of holding agricultural land by certain persons.
(1) With effect on and from the date of commencement of the Amendment Act, except as otherwise provided in this Act, -

(a) no person other than a person cultivating land personally shall be entitled to hold land; and
(b) it shall not be lawful>
(i) an educational, religious or charitable>
(ii) a company;
(iii) an association or other body of individuals not being a joint family, whether incorporated or not; or
(iv) a co-operative society other than a co-operative farm, to hold any land.
(2) Every such institution, society, trust, company, association, body or co
operative society;-

(a) which holds lands on the date of commencement of the Amendment Act and which is disentitled to hold lands under sub-section (1), shall, within ninety days from the said date furnish to the Tahsildar within whose jurisdiction the greater part of such land is situated a declaration containing the particulars of such land and such other particulars as may prescribed; and

(b) which acquires such land after the said date shall also furnish a similar declaration within the prescribed period.

(3) The Tahsildar shall, on receipt of the declaration under sub-section (2) and after such enquiry as may be prescribed, send a statement containing the prescribed particulars relating to such land to the Deputy Commissioner who shall, by notification, declare that such land shall vest in the State Government free from all encumbrances and take possession thereof in the prescribed manner.

(4) In respect of the land vesting in the State Government under this section an amount as specified in Section 72 shall be paid.

Explanation.- For purposes of this section it shall be presumed that a land is held by an institution, trust, company, association or body where it is held by an individual on its behalf.


This Agreement is made on the .......................... between:                     (Hereinafter called                                          ) of_______________
Safe Home Solution (Hereinafter called DISTRIBUTOR)
………………………… is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of ……………………..products. ……………………. is engaged in the business of distribution of …………………………. products and is interested in the distribution of ………………………………. products. For that reason …………………. wishes to appoint ……………… as DISTRIBUTOR of these products in the agreed territory.

1. Object – This Agreement concerns the distribution of ………………….. and other products manufactured and sold by ……………………….. (Hereinafter called PRODUCT).

2. Territorial jurisdiction - ……………………. hereby appoints the DISTRIBUTOR for the purpose of supplying the PRODUCT to all customers in the territory of ……………………Exceeding this limit is not allowed, if not authorized by …………………….

3. Engagement - In return for this Agreement the DISTRIBUTOR accepts this
appointment from ……………………… and agrees to use his best efforts to promote the sale of the PRODUCT and to solicit orders for the sale of the PRODUCT towards customers that are involved in ………….  business in the assigned market. The DISTRIBUTOR shall diligently represent …………………… in accordance with all established rules and regulations of the assigned territory.

4. Support - ATHARV FOUNDATION will support the DISTRIBUTOR with such data relating to the PRODUCT as may be reasonably requested, including consultation, free of charge sales brochures, catalogues and other literature and visits of technical personnel for large customers and trade shows.

5. Terms - The agreement shall run into force on ............ (date). It shall continue for 10 years and shall be renewed for same periods unless one party gives the other party notice of termination before the end of the period.

6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated before the expiry either by or by the DISTRIBUTOR with or without cause, with a written notice delivered to the other party. Termination shall be effected 60 days from the date of the notice. Upon the date of the termination of the agreement, all legal obligations, rights and duties arising out of this agreement shall terminate.

7. Transferability - This agreement and all its terms are limited to the DISTRIBUTOR and may not be transferred to any other party.

8. Exclusions: The DISTRIBUTOR shall not take any engagement on behalf of ........................ regarding orders, prices, warranties, compensation for damages, technical aspects or performance of the products, delivery times, and others. The DISTRIBUTOR shall not accept any order or make any contract binding upon .................... The DISTRIBUTOR shall not collect money from Customers on behalf of .................. unless otherwise authorised by ............................’s written notice.

9. Use of logo and literature - ............... authorizes the DISTRIBUTOR to use the “........................” logo for all printed or electronic sales name cards, brochures, sales catalogue, promotional materials, advertisements and other literature of the DISTRIBUTOR for the purpose of soliciting orders for the PRODUCT only. Print or duplication of all or part of ................................catalogues or brochures are permitted only prior written authorisation by .........................

10. Sales target – There is no any sales target distributor.

11. Prices - PRODUCTS prices are defined by ATHARV FOUNDATION keeping into account the DISTRIBUTOR indications and the Price List is supplied to the DISTRIBUTOR. Prices can be subjected to change at the discretion of ATHARV FOUNDATION, against notice to DISTRIBUTOR.

12. Orders and delivery terms - .............................. will accept only written orders from the DISTRIBUTOR. Deliveries will be “ex works”, packaging not included.

13. Payment terms – Payments will be made by the DISTRIBUTOR through by cash or bank transfer or Terms of payment are ... days after the invoice date. DISTRIBUTOR will effect timely payment of invoices.
Bank details of ................................ :
Bank Name:
Bank Branch:
A/c No:

14. Starting stock – DISTRIBUTOR and ................................... agree the supply of a first stock in order to favour the starting of the activity. The amount of this stock in of   Rs.000. The agreed specific payment term of this stock is 30 days from the invoice date.

15. Restitutions - .................................. accepts restitution of ordered products only against written request of authorisation and within 1 (one) month from the date of invoice. In any case, the corresponding amount cannot exceed 10% of the whole order. Unsold goods for more than one year can be replaced by other goods of same amount, under written request to ................................. In both cases freight charges are paid by the DISTRIBUTOR.

16. Warranty terms – All PRODUCTS are covered by 1 (one) year warranty period for production defects. Within this period, ........................ will replace free of charge the defective parts only if DISTRIBUTOR clearly demonstrates that the cause of the problem is a production defect.

17. Claims – ................................... exclusively answers to claims of the DISTRIBUTOR raised in guaranty period and according to guaranty terms. Under no other circumstance .................................... will be subject to any incidental, consequential or indirect damage whatsoever with respect to claims made by any purchaser or user of the PRODUCT.

18. Confidential information: DISTRIBUTOR shall not, during or subsequent to the termination of this agreement, disclose ............................’s confidential information to any third party or use ...........................’s confidential information for any purpose whatsoever other than the performance of the service on behalf of ........................ without the previous written authorisation of ..............................

19. Exclusiveness: .................. has agreed not to supply goods to other than person above said distributor for the states of ......................... If in case ...............................directly supply the goods to any third party within the above said territory ...................... has agreed to make good the loss and indemnify the DISTRIBUTOR.

20. Appoint resellers- distributor has power to appoint resellers and if in case ..................... directly supply the goods to resellers appointed under or by distributor pay commission to DISTRIBUTOR @............

21 Any dispute which may arise between the DISTRIBUTOR and ..................shall be referred to Arbitration and appoint ................................ as Arbitrator according to the provisions of Arbitration Law then in force.

Signed for
Signed for

Monday 10 February 2014


                                LICENSE AGREEMENT
Agreement made at ..................... this ................ day of .........................between .............................. herein after referred to as “the Licensor” of theone part and .................................... herein after referred to as “the Licensee” of the other part, as follows:


1. The Licensor is the owner of the open well in the ............... of ......................
here in under herein after called as “open well”.

2. The Licensee is approached the Licensor with request to allow the Licensee to permanently to occupy and use of the open well for carrying for their over flow water (Excess water) on license basis until the Licensee getsother more suitable accommodation.

3. The Licensor has agreed to grant license to the Licensee to occupy and use the said open well on the following terms and conditions agreed to between the parties hereto.


The Licensor hereby grants license to the Licensee to occupy and use the
open well for a period of ______________ month from _________. The Licensee agrees to vacate the said open well even earlier if the Licensee secures any other arrangements.

5. Licensee will be allowed to use the licensed open well

6. The licensed open well will be used only for carrying on over flow water (Excess water) and for no other illegal, immoral purpose.

7. Licensed scheduled property has normal electricity fittings and fixtures. If the Licensee desires to have any additional fittings and fixtures, the Licensee may do so at his cost and in compliance with the rules. The
Licensee shall remove such fittings and fixtures on the termination of the license .

8. The licensed scheduled property is given to the Licensee on personal basisAnd the Licensee will not be entitled to transfer the benefit of this Agreement to any body else or will not be entitled to allow any body else
Occupy the scheduled property or any part thereof. Nothing in thisAgreement shall be deemed to grant a lease or tenancy and the Licensee Agrees and undertakes that no such contention shall be taken up by the
Licensee at any time.

9. The Licensee shall not be deemed to be in the exclusive occupation of the Licensed open well and the Licensor will also have the right to use Open well.

10. The Licensee shall maintain the licensed scheduled property in good Condition and will not cause any damage thereto. If any damage is causes tothe scheduled property or any party thereof by the Licensee or hisEmployees, servants or agents, the same will be made good by the Licenseeat the cost of the Licensee either by rectifying the damage or by payingcash compensation as may be determined by the Licensor’s Architect.

11. The Licensee shall not carry out any work of structural repairs or additionsor alterations to the said open well. Only such alterations orAdditions or not of structural type or of permanent nature may be allowed to
be made by the Licensee inside the open well with the previousPermission of the Licensor.

12.Licensee shall not cause any nuisance or annoyance to the people in theneighbourhood or store any hazardous goods in the open well.

13.If the Licensee commits a breach of any term of this agreement thenNotwithstanding anything herein contained the Licensor will be entitled toTerminate this agreement by _____________ days prior notice to theLicensee.

14. On the expiration of the said term or period the license or earlierTermination thereof, the Licensee shall hand over vacant and peaceful Possession of the licensed scheduled property to the Licensor in the same
Condition in which the scheduled property now exists subject to normal Wear and tear. The Licensee’s occupation of the scheduled property after Such termination will be deemed to be that of a trespasser.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties herein have affixed their respective

Signatures to this deed at _______________ on this ______________ day of ______________ year in presence of the witness:


1.                                                                                                               LICENSOR

2.                                                                                                               LICENSEE