
Saturday 5 October 2019


NGO                                                        End to end online documentation

i] Name of the society       : _____________________________________
ii] REGISTERED OFFICE : ____________________________________
iii] JURISDICTION            : ___________STATE
iv] AIMS & OBJECTS       : The Aims and objects of the Society is as under:

  1. SOCIAL SERVICE : To take care of the social problem like education people for awareness of education health, social service etc, which will help the mankind in all direction relief activities, and relief works against any nature hazards.
  2. COMMUNITY DEVEPOMENT : To conduct and run the following programmes :
1)   Women and child development
2)   Adult education
3)   Non formal education
4)   Programmes for disable childern’s
5)   Teaching and Technical Training for women’s
6)   Income generation activity
7)   Self help group
8)   To undertake the old education trustees have to added in the institution.
  1. INFRASTRUCTURE : Guiding and taking active part in the infrastructure development of the region using foreign and local funds under various schemes, like Roads, Electricity, Water Resources, etc., for the betterment if the mankind.
  2. ENVIRONMENT : Education the people about the environment conservation activities, taking up woks to clean the environment, growing plants and conservation of forest etc. Teaching the about pollution etc. Taking works like Water Supply and Sewage Works for keeping the cities clean and Healthy.
  3. WOMEN & CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT : Taking up Project like women welfare and children welfare schemes to improve the living standard of women. To give education and nutrituious Food to children.
  4. FINANCE : To educate the people by forming self grop by contributing fund and arrange for financial assistance to self employed person and poor people.
  5. To improve the village industries and to give Training concerned.
10.To research the khadi gramodyog qualities and improve the equipment’s and invents to progress the quality and quantity of articles. To advertise the khadi gramodyog industry. To propaganda the sales of khadi and VI articles to the public. To take active part and promote to development training in khadi gramodyog, Karnataka State khadi and gramodyog or Government institution and organizations.
11.To acquire and hold properties, movable and immovable by way of purchase.
12.To provide tailoring classers, cultural programmes and all types of educational activities by the organization.
13.To promote aid assist help finance, guide organize plan undertake, develop, maintain carry on canalize and co ordinate projects programs and schemes sponsored by sans the primary relating to integrated rural development including the development natural and human resources, irrigation, water management, soil conservation, land reform improved agriculture, dairy farming animal husbandry fisher, livestock poultry, infrostrure (link roads communication, energy) educational and social service (education. Training research, science, appropriate technology diffusion of useful knowledge and information health hygiene, hospital maternity center housing community development, creation of employment opportunities, self reliance. Improvement in the quality of life people in general and economically socially and ecologically handicapped section in particular and any other programme for development in rural area and the community at large.
14. To development in education in all spheres of life and to start and run the tailoring classes, painting classes day care units, crutches and destitute cottage. And the saksharata programmes atc.
15. To start and run programmes for the up liftmen of the all community and backward classes and minority particularly the weaker section of the society by providing education.
16. To eradicate the social evils of the society implementing modern educational programmes.
17. To establish project for the improvement of the economic of the poor women of the rural area any where in India, without distinction of caste.
18. To provide organize, maintain, develop, control, and conduct, project in agricultural and industrial, horticulture area and other different areas.
19. To set up study group for the study of social and economic condition and problem and making suggestion and solving their problems through self help groups.
20. To provide employment proper training different area of sericulture though central and state Government agencies.
21. To sponsor programs for the assistance to poor and weaker section through supply of improved varieties of seed, insecticides, fertilizers sprayers, plant protection equipment, etc, provide facilities seed testing machinery maintenance and other farms service and establish workshops for training mechanics and artisans.
22. To help farmers in improvement of cattle breeds through artificial insemination centers, veterinary dispensaries.
23. To provide for health service by organizing dispensaries family welfare centers, maternity and child welfare centers nutrition programs for children etc.
24. To take village industries activities, and give the in government loans To open the manufacturing units.
25. To sponsor assist programmes for improving the condition of women through provide employment opportunities and other means.
26. To sponsor or assist programmes for welfare of treble people like education of the children and adults.
27. To investing collect, collate and circulate any knowledge or information concerning rural development, appropriate technology, small industries or any other allied subject deemed desirable for the furtherance of the overall purpose of the society and to print, publish and issue journals. Periodicals books, leaflets, advertisement, report, lecturers and other reading matter which may be deemed used or expedient for any such purposes.
28. To accept hold or administer any gift, donation or contribution in kind or in money to accomplish any to the objectives of the society.
29. To set up agriclinic or agribusiness center and offer professional extension service to innumerable farmers.
30. To set up horticulture unit through household women to improve the soil fertility and crop production.
31. To produce biofertilizerd, biopesticies, bio-control agent through some projects.
32. To set up information technology in rural areas for access to various agriculture related portals through our society.
33. To make, erect, repeal reenact and enforce rules regulations and bylaws management and conduct work business, department offices and affairs of the society and in respect of the qualification, classes, and admission conduct functions. Duties remuneration, Privileges Suspension and expulsion of its members, officers, staff personnel visitors, and other connected with the society, or any of its works institution, activities or function and the constitutions, control function, duties, conduct, removal and dissolution if committee or sub committee of the association or any other organization affiliated to it and the member thereof.
34. The negotiate and enter into any agreement with any government, state chamber of commerce, municipality, village, panchayat or any other public or private authority which seem conducive or beneficial to any of the object of the society and or intended to enhance, improve or render more efficient any property, right privilege work or activity of the society.
35. To purchase take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property, rights or privileges which any may be deemed necessary expedient or desirable for any objects of the society and in particular to subscribe for, purchase, acquire and hold debentures, stocks or shares in any company or association whether incorporated or not, having objects altogether or in part similar to the objects of the society.
36. To manage improve, develop alter repairs, demolish, sell alienate, lease, mortgage change pledge, hypothecate, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any of the property fund assets and rights privileges of the society.
37. To borrow money or receive money or deposit upon such terms and with or without mortgage or other security charges on all or any property, funds, assets, right or privileges if the society of the as the board of management shall deem necessary or expedient dir the objects of the association.
38. To lend money without interest and to invest money of the society in such manner and to vary or transpose any investment, as the board of management shall from time to time, deem fit and to open and operate on current overdraft or fixed deposit accounts with any bank or banks.
39. To carry on any activities which may seem beneficial or conductive to any of the objects of the society and either along or in conjunction with other or as society or agents and upon such terms and board of management may deem fit.
40. To promote, maintain control, give or lead money without interest or other property or assistance to conduct any research or special or explanatory study by individuals, group’s societies, associations, companies or institutions. Whether in corporate of not whether training or profit making or having objects altogether or in part similar to the subject of the society or otherwise deemed beneficial to the society.
41. To subscribe to or aid financially or otherwise benevolent, charitable philanthropic or otherwise institution or objects of a public characters or which have any moral or other claims to support or aid from the society by reason of the locality of its operation or otherwise.
42. To commence, prosecute, defend, appear, conduct, continue, compromise abandon, contest, or submit to any civil, criminal, administrative, revenue, municipal arbitration, conciliation or other proceedings, or inquiry, for the furtherance or otherwise in conjunction or connection with any of the object of functions of the association and to engage, suspend and remove demonstration technician’s staff, servants, employees, experts, specialists, constrictions, agents and other for any of the purpose of the society on such terms and the board of the management deem fit.
43. To establish, maintain, control, conduct and down braches or representation of the association in such places in India and abroad and on such terms as the bored of management may from time to time deem necessary or expedient.
44. To enter into and carry out arrangements for joint working or for amalgamation with any other association, society or institution having object wholly or in part similar to those of the society.
45. Generally to all such other thing as are deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects.
46. Generally to do all such other things as per deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of all or any if the above objection, as non-profit making organization.
47. These will be excursed subject ot the privation of section 2(15), 80 G and 3(1)(d) read with 13(5) of the Income-Tax, Act-1961.
48. No amendment shall be carried out without the previous approval of the commissioner of Income Tax, Act.
49. The society shall carry on its aforesaid subject in co-operation assistance and understanding with the Government of India, the state Government and other local bodies, as deemed fit and operate in conformity with the  laws in force. To Establish Pre-Primary, Primary and high Schools and Junior Collage degree colleges.
50. To start and run the residential school and affiliate school and central syllabus schools (C.B.S).
51. To start and run the library Science, Laboratory Science, B.Pharm and Other Institutions.
52. To conduct adult literacy Classes, Vocational Training Schools. To establish Vidhya Peeth Art and literature Training School, and T.C.H., B.Ed, N.T.T., Colleges and other Institution.
53. To start and run Industrial training Institution, Diploma College I.I.I., Institution and Technical College etd.
54. To start and run commercial Training Centers and Typing and Computer Training Centers.
55. To start and run Training Institution for Army enrolment training.
56. To conduct the awareness programmes.
57. To conduct school inspection, legal aid programmes.
58. To open its branches wherever & whenever the working management committee deems fit as well as can get the benefits from NGO’s state Govt. Central Govt and Abroad NGO’s.
59. To establish English medium schools, free hostels, library, cultural halls, and music and Drama theaters art galleries, Mini Museums of rural Folk cort and Gymnastic Halls. To start and run the sport schools.
60. To start all type of education and run the Medical College like Allopathic. Ayurvedica, Homeopathic, and rural Ayurvedica, Nursing College and Paramedical College to open Hospital etc. To start and run the laboratories and research Centers.
61. To start and run special schools for physical Handicapped person and child labors and destitute children’s.
62. To start and run the self-employment Training Institutions. To construct the reading rooms and libraries etc.
63. The upon ferment the poor people in education.
64. To set up Training programme education Institution, Socio-economic activities for the amelioration of the people. To arrange for “HOLIDAY HOME CAMPS” seminars, condensed course of education Vocational Guidance and other education centers for the people, To start and run the Sankrit Pathashalas.
65. To start and run the training schools of all languages of foreign countries. To start and run the above institutions rural and urban area of jurisdiction. To conduct the social works in rural and urban area.
66. To undertake and establish Khadi, wool and skill weaving and spinning Industries and to undertake all the village industries which are coming under preview of Khadi and village Industries Board and Commission to Provide employment opportunity to the rural and Urban unemployed pupil for their socio economic development.
67. To undertake Agro Carpentry Industry and establish in rural area to provide employment opportunity to the rural carpenters and to manufacture agricultural Implements and tools to provide to the small and marginal farmer in reasonable rate. Too get sanction of allotment of timber wood by the government of Karnataka to supply for manufacture of agricultural tools and implements like bullock carts and agricultural materials etc, and to establish agro based carpentry-training center to train rural unemployed youths to provide employment opportunity to them. And make a research in manufacture of agricultural implements and to motivate it.
68. To promote welfare of women, children, window orphans handicapped, destitute old agar, youth B.C., people slam area residence, Davadasi etc. by organizing all type of welfare activities and providing necessary, aid help to those people for their socio economic developments. To undertake and establish socio economic programme like dairy, poultry, sheep rearing and all other type training cum production centers etc. and to make research in above mentioned object. To provide loan subsidies grants etc.
69. To purchase sheep’s bullocks, cows, she bedfellows, etc., to the small and marginal farmers and undertake and establish food grain shops, fire wood depots wholesale central cloth and food grains agencies etc.
70. To establish medical centers, Hospitals, moving Hospitals, Health training centers etc. in rural and urban area and slam areas.
71. To undertake and promote family welfare activities to organize training and adventure activities to the rural youth to undertake and establish any other activities decided by the general body of the society by time to time.
72. To promotion of charity and to impart knowledge regarding skill development in handicrafts and self employment training centers. To promote and maintain women development programmes and children welfare awareness porgrammes.
73. To sponsor programmes for assistance to agriculturist of weaker sections through supply of improved various types seeds, insecticides, and fertilizers and also to establish workshops for farmers/artisans.
74. To provide health care centers and family welfare centers etc. To eradicate the social evils like Devadasi system, child marriages, untouchabilities and atrocities of the SC/ST by approaching appropriate authorities and by implementing the educational activities like training etc. and to start rehabilitation centers.
75. To acquire or obtain property both movable and immovable for the welfare of the society. To open diagnostic centers and medical shops.
76. To undertake supply of food grains and other commodities to the Hostels/Anganwadi School Balwadies and primary schools and other such work of the department of women child welfare/ social welfare backward class and minorities and also of central government departments.
77. To establish financial institutions in the form of Co-operative societies and banks for the welfare of the society. To give financial help by cash or kind through the society or government to the braved families of the defense persons, who scarified their lives for the cause of the nations and other destitute/orphan institutions and also to the distressed families suffered from natural calamities to the extent possible.
78. To provide low cost housing to shelter less people of the jurisdiction of the society.
79. To provide lost cost housing and ton undertake constructing the drainages reads, gutters, bridges, culverts, pipelines canals in central and state government and private and public sectors undertaking etc.
80. To undertake scheme work from government for self-employee i.e. integrated, rural development programmes. Like TRYSEM/DWCRA/HJRY/M.W.S.I./JRY/DROUGH PRONE AREA PROGRAMMES/DESERT DEVELPOMENT AND OTHER N.G.O.’s programmes and special food grains production programmes etc. to start the cargo transport and travels.
81. To raise loans from the banks to meet the deficit of funds for undertake the various works mentioned in the aforesaid and also to obtain financial assistance from state and central government and F.C.R. fund from foreign countries and donations and funds obtained from public and financial institutions.
82. To provide ‘PRASAD NILAY’ To grant of medical help and food help to deserving persons during epidemic, famine, flood earthquake or any unforeseen calamity or war like operation, riots, civil commotions and similar occurrence.
83. To open blood banks and ambulance facilities.
84. To conduct the nation and religious facilities
85. To construct samudaya bajn, kalian mantrap cultural hall and all types of society buildings.
86. To arrange the lectures on various topics for the development of personalities and promote soles intellectual activities of the society.
87. To start and run the old age home, destitute cottage, shishupalana. Kendra, childcare center, Hosa hejje etc, to start and run the training cum production unit of readymade garments to provide free legal aid to the needy and deserving persons.
88. To publish and or to aid publishing books, magazines, reports, periodicals, annual to impart literature and culture etc. the society shall conduct investigation and undertake studies in India or abroad on constitutional administrative, economic, social, medical, cultural, philosophical and scientific problem.
89. To conduct the CAPART scheme.
90. To Generally to take such other steps as may be necessary to similarity the social economic and civil political conditions of the members.
91. To conduct the competitive exams. To get the anthodaya programmes for window. To get the schemes form B.C.M Office Social-Welfare office, Woman’s and child welfare department, Zilla Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat, Deputy Commissioner, and other states and central government schemes.
92. To conduct the aids awareness programmes, drug edict rehabilitation centers. To provide financial assistance to members of the society for their business purpose and livelihood purpose and it should returns by on installment basis.
93. To help the poor and deserving businessman to do and to improve their business by providing interest free financial assistance and information about their business.
94. To conduct the group marries and cultural programmes and community religious factions etc.
95. To publish the books of all education books and their culture books.
96. To establish the dairy unit, and run the milk dairy and milk collection center and production of milk made produce, curds, ghee, butter etc.
97. To set up training programme of dairy farming education institution.
98. To start and run the supply unit of milk and milk product.
99. To supply the milk to nearest milk dairies by collection the milk from villages.
100. To collect the milk from villages and same in supply to dairies at Karnataka State and Maharastra State i.e. Gokul dairy etc. To undertake and establish Soci Economic programme like dairy, poultry, Sheep rearing in above all other type training cum production centers etc. and to make research in above mentioned objects. To provide loan subsidies grants etc. to purchase sheep’s bullocks, crows, she bedfellows etc. to the small and marginal farmers.
101. To obtain the schemes from KADA, Office, B.C.M Women and child Development office, Social Welfare office, Zilla Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat Gram Panchayat, Deputy Commissioner, Tashildar Office and to take all N.G.O. Programmes from state central Government and abroad also.
102. To start and run the Samaja Kalyan Enterprise.
V] The income of the society shall be utilized for the benefit of the aims and objects of the society it might have been derived from whatever source it shall not be distributed amongst the member or any other interested person.
VI] PRESIDENT : of the society Shri. ____________________ is authorized to file the memorandum and the rules and regulations with the society for registration of the society and deal with the registration work of the society and make the necessary correspondence with the REGISTRER OF SOCIETIES.

  1. These on rules & regulations of the society have been framed for the furtherance of the aims and objects of the society be name and style society. Blegaum Karnataka State.
a) The Society                     :                         
b) The Rules                        :         Means the rules and regulations of the                                                  Society. Members of the society.
c) Governing Body              :         Means the includes the elected
                                                     members of the society.
d) Office Bearers                  :         PRESEDENT, VICE-PRESEDENT,
                                                     SECRETARY, AND REMAINING
                                                     MEMBERS OR DIRECTORS OF THE
e) Members                         :         Means and person duly admitted as the
                                                     member of the society.
A)   Any person whether employed or unemployed belongs to ALL CASTE AND COMMUNITY are ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the society and above the age 18 years and residing within the jurisdiction of the society and interested in the aims and objects of the society.
B)                   Type of membership :
i.             PATRONS MEMBERS
ii.           FOUNDER MEMBERS
iii.          LIFE MEMBERS
i.             PATRONS MEMBERS :
Any persons willing to become the members of the society shall be ready to abide by the rules and regulations of the society and pay the sum of Rs. 5000-00 or more to the society.
ii.           FOUNDER MEMBER :
Any persons willing to become the members are tense who started the society as per the sum of Rs. 1000-00 or more to the society.
iii.          LIGE MEMBER :
Any persons paying THE SUM OF Rs. 500-00 or more to the society shall become the member of the society.
vi.          ORDINARY MEMBERS :
Any persons paying the sum or Rs. 125-00 annual shall be comention ordinary member of the society.
4.        ADMISSION : The person interested to become the member become the members of the society shall apply in the prescribed from along with the membership fees and the Rs. 10/- to the secretary of the society. The secretary shall place the same before the governing body of the mandal and in case of rejection of the application for the membership of the society the same shall be intimated to the concerned applicant within 30 days from the date of rejection of the application and an appeal shall lie before the general body of the society and whose decision on the matter is the final.
5.        REGISTER OF MEMBERS : There shall be register of the members of the society which shall be kept in the office of the society in the society wherein the names address, age, occupation of every member shall be entered in the register and signature of all the members on the roll shall be taken in the said register.
1)   By death of the member
2)   By resignation in the writing by the members.
3)   Involved in the offence in the moral turpitudes
4)   Insolvent, instance inactivated or disqualified by the court of law.
5)   Acting against the aims and objects of the society
6)   Fails to pay the annual subscription of the society.
7.        VOTE : Each member of the society shall have one vote only and it shall be caste in person and no proxy shall be allowed.
8.        GENERAL BODY MEETING : There shall be every year a general body meeting to transact the activities of the society and it shall be held within there months from the date of the closing of the financial year of the mandal. Incase urgent and special matters and the special general body meeting of the society. But it shall be as per the requisition under section 11 (3) of the K.S.R. Act. 1960.
9.        QUORUM : A notice of the meeting of the general body of the society shall be given to all members of the society 21 days in advance. And the said notice shall contact the date, place, time and agenda of the meeting of the general body of the society and in special general body meeting notice shall be given to there all the members of the society 21 day in advance.
10.     QUORUM : 1/3rd of the total members of the society or 20 whichever is less, shall form the quorum for the meeting of the general body. In case of want of the quorum the meeting shall be adjourned to half an hour and then again be held. The members present at the meting shall be treated as the quorum for the meeting and matters on the agenda shall be discussed and resolved.
a)    To adopt the audited statement of the account of the society.
b)   To adopt the recommendation of the government body of the society.
c)    To approve the budge of the ensuring year.
d)   To lest members of the governing body of the society once in five years.
e)    To ensure the properties to the society.
f)     To frame the policies for smooth fractioning to the society.
g)    To do the any other things or the acts pertaining to the society.
12.     GOVERNING BODY : The governing body of the society shall be the supreme executive authority of the society the governing body shall supervise the functioning of the society and the governing body shall consist of 11 members out of 3 members 3 members elected from patron members 1 members elected from founder members 1 from life members elected the elected the elected members amongst themselves shall elect the PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESEDENT, & SECREATORY, and the remaining 8 members are the Directors of the society the term of the office of the governing body and shall be 5 year general body meeting.
13.     MEETING OF THE GOVRENING BODY : The governing body meets at any time, but it shall at least once in three months, to transact the activities of the society. In case of the any urgency the matters shall be circulated amongst the members of the governing body of the society.
14.     NOTICE : A notice of the meeting of the governing body shall be sent to all the concerned members at least 7 days in advance and it shall be containing the date, place, time and agenda of the meeting of the society.
15.     QUORUM : 2/3rd of the total members of the governing body of the society shall form the quorum at the meeting of the governing body. In case of want of quorum the meeting shall be treated as the quorum for the meeting and matters on the agenda shall be discussed and disposed off.
a)    To appoint the staff for the society as and when required by the society and frame the service rules of the employees of the society and fix the remuneration and take the disciplinary action against them.
b)   To scrutinize the application for the membership of the society.
c)    To represent the society or appoint the representatives on behalf of the society.
d)   To represent the society or appoint the representatives on behalf of the society.
e)    To do any other things or the acts pertaining to the society.
17.     The service of the office bearers of the society shall be gracious and they shall not claim any remuneration or share in the income of the society.
18.     All the questions in the meeting of the society shall be discussed and disposed of by the majority if the members present and voting. In case of the equality of the votes the president of the meeting shall use his casting vote in addition or to his as the members.
19.     The outgoing secretary of the society shall handover the change of the office of the society shall handover to the incoming secretary. Within 7 days from the date of the election.
20.     The proceedings of the governing body and the general body of the society the secretary the secretary of the separate books kept for the purpose
21.     AMENDMENTS : In the case of the amendments to the riles and regulation of the society and the society and the memorandum of the association of the society or the change of the name of the society shall be done accordance with the procedure laid down in the provisions of the K.S.R.A.Act. 1960.
22.     COOPTION : In case of the vacancies amongst the members of the governing body of the society for whatever reasons it shall be filled in by the remaining members of the society for un expires or for the period until the next election. The co-opted members shall has the voting power.
a) The society shall hold the immovable or the movable properties by way of scale. Purchase, lease, mortgage, hypothecation or exchange or otherwise any sort of the holding of the properties for the society.
b) The society shall collect the funds by following ways
1) By subscription, contribution membership fees, admission fees, donation foreign countries.
2) By grants aids, financial assistance, from the government or any other financial institutions, and financial assistance from F.C.R. Found from the foreign countries.
3) By loan, financial assistance from the banks by way of lease, mortgage. Hypothecation of the property of the society.
4) By any other admissible secure of the income to the society
5) Grants, loan subsidies and rebate from the state and central government, and the agencies such as a Karnataka state Khadi and village industries board, khadi and village industries commission, and state central social welfare advisory board and other statutory bodies donation fees and contributions, subscription from the cooperative registered institution and public.
6) Deposits from the register institution cooperative societies individual and any other institutions.
7) Reasonable earning out of the various activities of the associations societies individual and any other institutions.
8) To governing body of the society shall receive the other funds by their resolution in its meeting for the purpose of the objects.
24)     BANK ACCOUNT : The society shall open bank accounts of the name of the society and the meeting for the purpose of the objects.
25) A) President is the society he shall supervise the functioning of the society and called meeting with assistance of the society and called meeting with assistance of the secretary of the society, preside over the all the meeting of the equality of the votes shall be decided by casting vote as the PRESIDENT of the meeting.
a) To hold the custody of all the documents and records of the society and hold, the custody of the property.
b) To called meetings of the society with the consultations of the president and attend the meetings and records the proceeding of the meeting
c) To receive and disburse the money on behalf of the society
d) To prepared the monthly and annual statement of the accounts of the society
e) To do any other thing or the acts correspondences on behalf of the society
D)      TREASURER : Treasurer shall maintain the account of the society and amke3 the audit form authorized auditor every year ending.
26)     FINANCIAL YEAR : The financial YEAR OF THE society shall commence From the 1st April and end of the 31st March every year.
27)     AUDIT : Soon after the closure of the financial year the statement of account of the society shall be audits by the under section 226 of the companies. Act.
28)     BOOKS OF ACCOUNT SAND REGISTER : There shall be kept in the office of the society the following of the account and the other books. A) Cash Book, b) Ledger Book, b) Leger Book, c) Property Register, d) Notice Book, e) Proceeding Book, f) Receipt Book, g) Register of member Books, and other book of accounts presceibe by district registrar of the societies.
29)     FILING OF THE ACCOUNTS : The secretary of the society shall on or before 14th day of on which the general body meeting schedule to be held file the audited statement of accounts of the society along with other reliant document before the district registrar.

30)        AMALGAMATION : In case of the amalgamation of the society the procedure laid down in the provisions of section 21 of the K.S.R.Act 1960.
31)        DISSOLUTION : In case of the dissolution of the society the procedure laid down in the provisions of the section 22 and 23 of the K.S.R.Act 1960 shall be followed.
32)        ISSUE OF THE NOTICE : The notice of the meeting of the society shall be sent to the concerned members in person or by post under the certificate of posting and a copy of the sme shall be pasted on the notice board of the society.
33)        OFFICE HOURS : The office hours of the society shall commence from the 90.00 PM to 6.00 PM subject to change in case of the change of office hours it shall be unlimited to the district registrar of the societies.
34)        INVESTMENT CLAUSE : There funds of the society shall be invested in the modes specified under the provision of section 13(1)(d) read with section 11(5) of the income Tax Act. 1961 of 80G as amended from time to time.
35)        ACCOUNTS CLAUSE : There shall be maintained all accounts of the society regularly, the accounts shall be duly audited by a charted accountant every year be accounts shall be closed by 31st March.
36)        AMENDMENT CLAUSE : No amendments to the society deed/rules and regulations shall be made which may prove to be repugnant to the provision of section 2 (15) 11,12,13 and 80G of the income Tax. Act 1961 as amended form time to time further No AMENDMENT shall be carried out without this prior approval of the commissioner of income Tax.
37)        The benefits of the society shall be open to all irrespecting of cast, creed or religion.
38)        The society formed shall be irrevocable.
39)        The things or the acts which are not which are not providing herein above the provision of the K.S.R.Act 1960 shall be followed.

Place :
Date :



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            THIS DEED OF MORTGAGE IS EXECUTED ON ________DAY __________ BY  Shri.___________, Age:-45, years,  member of ____________________, residing at _____________ for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators hereinafter referred to as “MORTGAGER”  IN FAVOUR OF ____________________________ and its successors representatives hereinafter referred to as “BANK”.
            WHEREAS, at the request of mortgager the Bank has agreed to make advances to him as per the bye-laws agreeing upon having the repayment there of with interest thereon at the rate hereinafter mentioned, secured in the manner here in after appearing.
            NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES as follows:-
            In consideration of the Bank making or continuing to make advances for the purpose of Development of land upto a limit of Rs.__________ (Rupees forty  Thousand only) as long as the Bank office of branch exclusive of interest, bank charges, legal charges, etc., the mortgager hereby covenants with the Bank as follows:-
1.      That mortgagor shall pay the principal and the interest at the rate of  15% per annum or at such rate as may be fixed by the Bank from time to time, on a much of principal due in the manner of mutually agreed to between the mortgagor and the Bank from time to time on his behalf.
2.      That if any interest or an item of the principal is not paid on the due date the outstanding balance of loan shall bear overdue interest at 2% P.A. over and above the usual rate until the interest of the principal in arrears ads the case may be is paid.
3.      The mortgagor further covenants with the Bank that if at any time during which these presents are in force the bank finds that any representation made by the mortgagor for obtaining the loan was false the whole of the debts due and outstanding shall become payable within one week after notice to the mortgager to that effect and he shall always be bound by Bye-laws, rules and other decisions of the Bank in force from time to time.
4.      The mortgagor further covenants with the Bank that in case of default on the part of the mortgagor from payment of the same as above mentioned the Bank is hereby authorised through the mortgager’s drawing officer in accordance with section 34 of Karnataka Co-op societies Act of 1959 to have the installments as and when due deducted from salary of or any other payable to the mortgager and paid to the Bank. The mortgager execute a separate agreement to the effect if desired by the Bank.
5.      The mortgager further covenants with the Bank that the amount borrowed under this indenture shall be wholly utilised for the purpose for which it is expressly borrowed and that he/shall not deviate from the licenced plan during construction without the previous written approval of the Bank and if the Bank is satisfied that the loan is misapplied, the whole  loan due and outstanding, shall become payable without reference to the period of  repayment, within one week after to the effect.
6.      It is hereby agreed and declared that in case any of the installments of principal or interest payable under these presents be not satisfied on the due dates appointed for the payments of such installments of principal or interest, then whole amount of principal remaining unpaid together with interest due shall at once become payable to the Bank and the Bank may forthwith enforce any of the remedies to which a holder of mortgage is entitled under the Transfer of property Act.
7.      For the consideration aforesaid and in further pursuance of the said agreement, the mortgager hereby grants and transfers by way of simple mortgage in to the Bank, all the property described in the schedule here to together with all rights, easements there to and all rights, title and interest in and to the said premises to the extent that all the said premises hereby mortgaged shall remain and be charged by way of simple mortgage and free from all encumbrance as security for the payment to the Bank of the said principal money, interest and cost in accordance with the convenants herein contained.
8.      That the mortgagor shall allow the Bank, its servants, agents and surveyors at all reasonable times to enter the said premises and view and examine the estate and condition thereof.
9.      The mortgager hereby convenatns that this property under mortgage shall be a continuing security not  only in respect of this debit but also in respect of any other loan overdue, cash credit that may be outstanding or may become outstanding in respect of present or further advances, in my name either as borrower or as surety/co-obligant upto not exceeding the limit prescribed herein during the subsistence of this mortgage it is further covenanted that until all my indebtedness in any loan, overdraft, cash credit, accounts to the Bank has been discharges in full, this mortgage will be kept in force and it shall continue to be a security as aforesaid to those liabilities.
10. The mortgager further covenants that during continuance of security, he shall preserve the property here under mentioned good condition and repairs, and shall not remove any fixtures or after the property so as to decrease the value or utility there of without written permission of the bank and shall pay from time to time regularly all the taxes and cesses levied thereon and produce the receipt there of the Bank. The mortgager  to insure the property by a policy of comprehensive insurance during the term of loan and shall pay premium regularly.
11. That the mortgager agrees that some of money awarded as compensation for and compulsory acquisition of any portion of the mortgaged property by any government, Municipal or Railway or District Board authority shall be receivable by the Bank direct on behalf the mortgager and that such money as well as money received under and by virtue of any such insurance as aforesaid shall at the option of the Bank either beforth with applied in or towards substantially rebuilding, reinstanding or remaining in the said premises or towards the payments of the principal money, interest and costs for the time being remaining due the security of these presents.
12. The mortgager further covenants that in case he fails to pay the taxes or ceases and insurance premium in the time as aforesaid, the Bank may pay the same and the taxes and cesses and insurance premium service, inspection, valuation and other charges paid shall be treated as a charges against the property and be debited to his loan account.
13. And for the better  securing of the mortgager’s obligations under these presents be hereby covenants and mortgagers without possession to the Bank his self acquired or ancestral property more fully described in the schedule given here under.
14. The mortgager further covenants with the Bank that during the time the loan  mentioned above in force he will not otherwise alienate or create any other charge on the property without the permission of the Bank and that the he will personally also liable for the full debt discharge of the loans hereby secured. He further affirms the Bank that the property is not encumbered.
15. Schedule of property above referred to :
All that piece and parcel of property with the dwelling house, wells, drains and thereon, built and planted and situated and floors/our house hereinafter to be built planted together with all rights and easements pertaining it or to and hereafter and enjoyed and acquired bearing the No. etc., as detailed below:-
Situated at ______________________________ and bounded by the following boundaries.
Description               R.S. No.           Area              Assessment           
                                                              As-Gs              Rs.Ps.
   Agri. Land  

All the above R.S. numbers are situated in one place so only one boundary is shown.
To the East    :-Land of
To the west    :-Land of
To the south  :-Land of
To the North  :-Land of
16. In the witness thereof the mortgager has signed this deed on the day and the ears first above written.

In the Presence of :-

1.                                                                           Signed before me.

2.                                                                           Branch Manager,

How to become a Souharda Cooperative?

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How to become a Souharda Cooperative?
The basic guidelines for the formation of Co-operatives under Karnataka Souharda Sahakri Act, 1997 are as follows :
  • There should be at least ten persons.
  • These persons should be from different families.
  • These persons should be competent to enter into a contract under the Indian contracts Act 1872.
  • He should reside in the area of operation of the Cooperative.
  • He should be eligible as per the bye-laws of the proposed Cooperative.
  • Any individual, firm, company or any other body corporate can become member of the Cooperative.
  • Any Cooperative registered under this Act (For Union cooperative) or Societies registration Act 1860.
  • The object of the Cooperative should be promotion of economic interests or general welfare of the members or the public, in accordance with the co-operative principles.
  • It should be economically sound, its registration should not affect adversely on the development of the co-operative movement.
  • Its registration should not be contrary to the policy directives of the State government.
Procedure of Formation of a Co-operative Cooperative :
The basic guidelines for the formation of Co-operatives under Karnataka Souharda Sahakri Act, 1997 are as follows :
  • Promoters meeting : Willing , eligible persons should come together and conduct a meeting, which is called as promoters' meeting. This meeting will decide the name of the proposed Cooperative, its object and bye-laws and then elect a Chief Promoter authorizing him to sign the necessary documents on behalf of the promoter members.
  • Collecting initial share capital : The Chief Promoter will apply to the Registrar of the concerned area for requesting to authorize to collect share-capital. The application shall consist of:
    • Prescribed application
    • Resolution of promoters' meeting
    • Proposed byelaw
    • Details of promoters
    Registrar will authorize the Chief promoter to collect the share and direct him to deposit the collected share capital in a particular Bank.
  • Registration : After collection of the necessary share capital, the chief promoter shall apply for registration of the cooperative along with:
    • Prescribed application
    • 5 copies of proposed byelaws
    • List of persons who have contributed to the share-capital and the entrance fee of the proposed Cooperative
    • Bank documents having been deposited share capital
    • Registration fees : 1% of the authorized share capital, subject to minimum of Rs.500/- and maximum of Rs. 5000/-
    • After scrutinizing the documents Registrar will register the cooperative
  • Election to first Board : After Registration the chief promoter shall call first General Body of the newly formed cooperative to elect its first board.
  • Beginning of activities : After election of first board, the President and Secretary can open the Bank account and may start activities of the cooperative.

SALE DEED for House Property

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THIS DEED OF SALE made and executed at _____________on this ________ day of _______________ month, ______________ years by:
Sri.__________________  aged   about   _______  years,   S/o._______________

residing     at___________________________________hereinafter   called    the

Sri.__________________  aged   about   _______  years,   S/o._______________

residing     at___________________________________hereinafter   called     the


The term SELLER and PURCHASER, unless repugnant to the context, shall mean and include their respective heirs, successors, executors, administrators, trustees, legal representatives and assigns WITNESSTH:

WHEREAS the SELLER herein is the sole and absolute owner of immovable property being Flat / Apartment No.______ on the _______Floor of the building known as “________________”situated at _________________and bearing Corporation No.________, _________________Road, Division No._____, with a super built-up area of _____ sq.ft. together with _____% share of undivided interest in the land equivalent to _______ sq.ft. along with common areas and facilities including car parking lot in the basement, which Flat / Apartment is morefully described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter called the Schedule.

WHEREAS the SELLER of the Flat / Apartment, he having purchased the same from Sri.______________ in terms of Sale Deed dated _________duly registered as Document No._________ Book – I, Volume ________at Pages ________on date ________at the Office of the Sub-Registrar, _____________since then the SELLER has been in possession and enjoyment of the Schedule Flat / Apartment on getting the bifurcated khata from the Corporation of the City of

______________duly transferred in his name bearing No.________ vide Khata No._______________ dated ____________and on payment of taxes and levies thereon as sole and absolute owner thereof.

WHEREAS the SELLER herein being desirous of selling the Schedule Flat / Apartment, offered the same to the Purchaser and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase the Schedule Flat / Apartment in terms of an oral agreement for a total sale consideration of Rs.___________ (Rupees _________________only) and the

Purchaser in terms of the aforesaid oral agreement agreed to pay the entire sale consideration at the time of execution of the sale deed.

IN CONSIDERATION of the Purchaser having paid the entire sale consideration of Rs._____________ (Rupees ______________________only) as aforesaid, the receipt of which has been duly acknowledged by the SELLER, who acquits the Purchaser from making any further payments towards sale consideration, the SELLER, as beneficial owner, DOES HEREBY GRANT, CONVEY, TRANSFER BY WAY OF SALE AND ASSIGN unto and in favour of the Purchaser the Schedule Flat / Apartment and every part thereof together with the right, title and interest therein, with all the benefits, advantages, concessions, licenses, hereditaments, easementary rights, equities, claims, demands etc., attached to belonging to and reputed to belong to the Schedule Flat / Apartment TO HOLD, TO POSSESS AND TO ENJOY the same for ever free from all encumbrances, subject to common rights of owners of remaining shares of undivided interest in the land and the Flat / Apartments attributable thereto.

The SELLER hereby declares and covenants with the Purchaser that he is the sole and absolute owner of the Schedule Flat / Apartment and has a clear, legally valid and marketable title thereto and therefore an absolute right to sell and convey the same to the Purchaser in terms of this Deed. The SELLER further declares that he has not done any acts, deeds or things so as to curtail, restrict or prejudice his right to convey or prevent him from selling the Schedule Flat / Apartment in terms of this Deed.

WHEREAS the Purchaser having now paid the entire sale consideration as detailed below, has requested the SELLER to execute the Sale Deed in his favour and the SELLER has duly agreed thereto,


1.      The SELLER hereby confirms that the Purchaser has paid the entire sale consideration as under:

    (a) Amount paid by Cheque No._____________Dated_____________ drawn on          ___________________ Bank,Total   Rs.__________Rupees _______________Only.
The SELLER hereby further declares that the Schedule Flat / Apartment is free from all encumbrances, lien, charge, mortgage, lease, court or other attachments, lis-pendens, acquisition and requisition proceedings, minor’s claims or any other adverse proceedings or claims from third parties which are in any way detrimental to the interest of the Purchaser.

The SELLER hereby assures the Purchaser that all taxes and levies on the Schedule Flat / Apartment have been paid up to date and arrears if any, till the date of the Sale Deed shall be duly paid by him and future taxes in respect of the Schedule Flat / Apartment shall be paid by the Purchaser.

The SELLER hereby declares and covenants with the Purchaser that he shall do or cause to be done all acts, deeds and things which are legally and reasonably required to be done at the instance of the Purchaser for morefully and perfectly assuring the right, title and interest of the Purchaser in the Schedule Flat / Apartment herein conveyed and the Purchaser shall bear such expenses.

The SELLER hereby indemnifies and shall keep the Purchaser or his successors-in-title fully indemnified against any loss or liability, cost or claims, action or proceedings, if any should arise, at any time in future against him owing to any defect in or for want of clear and marketable title or due to any default, violation or non-compliance of any of the declarations or covenants herein.

The Purchaser shall be the sole and absolute owner of the Schedule Flat / Apartment with attendant rights of ownership, possession, enjoyment and shall be entitled to deal with or dispose off the Schedule Flat / Apartment as he deems fit without any interference, obstruction or hindrance from the SELLER or anyone claiming under, through or in trust from him.

The Stamp duty, Registration charges and other incidentals have been borne by the Purchaser.

The SELLER has this day delivered the vacant possession of the Schedule Flat / Apartment to the Purchaser along with all the available original title deeds and documents which are in his possession pertaining to or relating to the Schedule Flat / Apartment.

The Purchaser shall be bound to become Member of the Association of Apartment Owner’s and duly comply with the provisions of Karnataka Apartment Ownership

Act, 1972 and the rules thereunder and shall abide by the bye-laws and majority decisions of the said Association to be formed and comply with other requirements of the aforesaid Act.


(Conveyed under this deed)

All that piece and parcel of immovable property being Flat / Apartment No.______, __________Floor of the building known as “_____________”, situated at and bearing Corporation No.___________, ___________Road, Division No.________, with a super built up area of ______sq.ft. together with

_____% share of undivided interest in the land equivalent to ______sq.ft. along with common areas and facilities attributable thereto which area includes one car parking lot in the basement and the composite property is bounded by:

On the East

On the West

On the North

On the South

Market Value property is Rs._____________ (Rupees ________________only)

The Stamp duty is paid on the market value as computed above.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties herein have affixed their respective signatures to this Sale deed at ______________on this _________ day of _________ month of _____________years in the presence of the witnesses:



