
Monday 15 August 2016


JAMABANDI is a settlement of the amount of revenue assessed upon an estate, a village or district a village or district rent roll; a register of the village holdings; a statement exhibiting the particulars of the public revenue its amount, and how assessed; annual settlement or revenue with cultivators or ryotwari settlement an annual statement, modified according to the circumstances under which the revenue is paid whether by individuals or communities, and whether to a zamindar or to the government.
(iv) Disposal of Takrar Taktas, Darkhasts and Razinamas.—The matter should be disposed of on their merits. The number of darkhasts and razinamas pending disposal at the end of the year should be noted in the detail, viz., the number received and disposed of and balance. The disposal of takrar taktas and darkhasts of a special nature must engage the Jamabandi Officer's special attention. A few of the lands resigned may also be inspected to see whether they have been cultivated after relinquishment. (No. 3231-8—R. 1053, dated 17th October 1900, No. 2594-601— R. 654, dated 5th September 1896.)

(v) Analysis of Darkhasts.—Jamabandi Officers will do well to give an analysis of darkhasts under the following heads:- (1) Darkhasts for assessed land. (2) Darkhasts for unassessed land. (3) Darkhasts for Government water. (4) Darkhasts for House sites. It will be also interesting to know, if possible the average time taken for the disposal of each kind of darkhast and also cases in which such applications have been pending for more than six months with reasons for delay. (G.O. No. 14253-666—L.R. 413-0-11, dated 8th May 1906.)

The Jamabandi Officer should inspect the breached tanks during their tours, before the Jamabandi of each year, have a list prepared and grant the remission due, under the rules. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. R. Dis. 71—26-27, dated 13th November 1920.)

Regarding the periodical submission of village accounts to the Taluk Keeords, the Amildars, should make sustained and systematic efforts to enforce the rules and Inspecting officers should furnish exact information regarding progress and results in their reports. Discipli¬nary notice stiouid also be taken of any slackness on the part of Shanbhogs. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. C. 495—20-21, dated 6th March 1925.)

All conditional grants should be ordered to be brought on the Takrar Takhta and placed with the opinion of the Amildar before the Huzur Jamabandi Otiicer for his orders. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. C. 2493—G1. 20-21, dated 19th January 1921.)

It is most convenient to deal with Takrar Taktha cases during Jamabandi. As many cases of Takrar Takhtas as possible should be dealt with during Jamabandi. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. D1-Dis. 1246—26-27, dated 12th May 1927.)

The following instructions are issued for the guidance of Jamabandi officers with a view to avoiding inconveni¬ence to people :-

(1) Every officer holding either the Dittam or Huzur Jamabandi should draw up a well-conceived programme indicating the places and dates of Jamabandi camps at least a month before the Jamabandi actually commences and inform the Revenue Inspectors definitely of the exact date, at least ten days before the Jamabandi com¬mences in each Hobli. A copy of the programme should be affixed to the Notice Board of the Taluk Office concerned and in the case of Higher Officer, to the Notice Board of their offices also in addition. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. C. 1881—27-38, dated 16th October 1927.)

(2) The Huzur Jamabandi Officers should arrange their programme of inspection should be so arranged so as not to interfere with the Jamabandi work of the Amildars. The Jamabandi Officer should make it a point to commence his work and he should commence not later than twelve noon and; to close it as early as possible, as otherwise villagers who come from distant places once notified will be put to considerable inconvenience. The dates and places once notified should be strictly adhered to. In selecting the Jamabandi camps, due regard should be paid to the convenience of villagers who attend and places which contain facilities for people to stop in case there is a need to do so should be selected. The Jamabandi Officers should be available to the public for a certain time during hours early enough to suit the convenience of the public. Local inspection, etc., should be attended to daily in the mornings and should not be made a ground for commencing or closing the Jamabandi work late in the day. The Deputy Commissioners are requested to see that the above instructions are strictly enforced. All special grants of land should be examined by the officers during Jamabandi, and a paragraph explaining the results of their examination should be embodied in the Jamabandi reports. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. D(1) Dis. 1287-29-30, dated 27th November 1929.)

The officers of the Revenue Department are not only responsible for the collection of revenue, important though it is, but are also concerned with the manifold relations existing between Government and the Agri¬cultural as well as non-agricultural classes and they should devote special attention and interest in every activity calculated to improve the moral and material welfare of the rural population. They should invariably enquire into the various ameliorative needs of the villagers in general and depressed classes in particular, during their tours, inspections and Jamabandi. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. C. 6504—39-40, dated 11 th May 1940.)

Separate registers should be maintained in respect of lands sanctioned under the special rules to depressed and landless classes and the terms of the grant invariably noted therein and also in the index of lands and the R.R. Registers. The Village officers may be strictly instructed to bring to the notice of the revenue authorities immediately the land granted under the above con¬ditions is sold, alienated or otherwise disposed of, contrary to the conditions of the grant. The mainten¬ance of special registers should be insisted upon not only in the Taluk Offices but also by the Shanbhogues and these should be examined by the Jamabandi, Officers and attested in token to cancel the grants already made, in case it is found that the lands have been alienated or otherwise disposed of. (Revenue Commissioner's Circular No. C. 3591—39-40, dated 12th February 1940.)

The following other items of work should receive the special attention of the Jamabandi Officers: —

(1) All the cases where the village officers are not residing in their firkas should be scrutinized and action taken as per G.O. No. R. 4111-9—L.R. 295-57-3, dated 10th March 1938.
(2) Illiterate patels should be replaced by literate patels.
(3) The Barabaluthi Register should be scrutinized to see if arrangements are made to fill up permanent vacancies as per rules and that acting arrangements are not prolonged unnecessarily.
(4) The Index of Lands should be examined to see if it has been posted up-to-date. 
(5) Bakipattis under all items of revenue should be got prepared and scrutinized and recoveries made.
(6) The Revenue Inspector and the Amildar should check the pahani with reference to" "Phada Taktha " arid see that no leakage of revenue is allowed to occur, in respect of all cases of unauthorised cultivation.

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